4G Business Solutions Services
Providing a Range of
Voice Services
For Carriers
4G Business Solutions (4GBS), enables its Tier-1, Tier-2, Tier-3 partners through the real value and high quality of its direct voice routes. By financing, establishing and operating voice routes in the Balkans and MENA, 4GBS will be the really profitable and trusted choice for your voice traffic to those regions.
For Start-Ups
Retail or Wholesale, whatever your voice project is with 4G Business Solutions (4GBS), you don’t need a fortune to build and operate your own route(s) and scale up your footprint to reach the global market. 4GBS can provide a full financial, technological and commercial toolbox to bring your voice services live.
About Us & Why We are
The Best For the Job
We like to present 4G Business Solutions as a continuous telecommunications project. It was founded to establish, operate and sell voice routes starting by the Balkans and MENA regions.
Behind the wheel is a group of Investors teamed up with Telecom and IT Engineers, Marketing and Sales Professionals.