
We build and trade our Direct Routes
  • Fully managed routes best for retail or high quality wholesale traffic
  • Bilateral agreements, balanced or imbalanced swaps, fixed prices vs volume commitments or just on the spot offers.
  • Managed Routing for on demand QoS
  • Permanent Network Monitoring
  • 24/7 NOC

Based on our direct routes constant quality management, we secure, in exchange, real competitive rates and optimum quality to other destinations in high demand by our retail or wholesale partners, over our long lasting commercial deals. In that way we also assist partners being short in deals to cover missing volumes.

We fund and bring live New Projects

4G Business Solutions has a really impressive expertise an know how on the Voice Market. Our consultants will be more than happy to assist organizations or individuals to establish a retail and/or wholesale voice business.

We will evaluate, finance or co-finance, consult, get involved and give full substance to legitimate telecoms business plans with true potential to bring value to customers.